What's New
This is your time to shine and show all that you’ve learned.
Join the Sheldon Township Community Forum!
ππ Heyyyyyy Students! Ready to take your education to the next level? ππ
π©Έπͺ Calling All Students: Be a Hero and Save Lives! πͺπ©Έ
Apply today for the Reverend Pinckney College Readiness Program!!!
Join us for STEM Day at Warrior Nation!!!
Discover some of the nation's leading HBCUs on October 3rd at Clafin University from 8:30-2:00pm.
Do you want to know what ACE has to offer?
Get your smiles ready!!!!
Register to vote at Open House!!!
Stay informed on the latest updates with ACT!
Prepare and stay informed for the next SAT test date.
Join us Friday, September 20th from 10:00am -12:00pm.
We're thrilled to invite you to our Open House event on Thursday, September 12th from 5:00pm to 7:00pm!
Device Distribution and Registration!!!!
Back to School Event!!!
Don't miss the 2024 Annual Title I Planning Meeting!
It's that time of the year to prepare students to return school-issued laptops, chargers, laptop bags, and other technology items such as mobile hotspots.
Spring is here! Which means its time to gear up for sports and conditioning for next school year! According to the SCHL, sports physicals have to be done after April 1st to participate in summer conditioning and sports for the upcoming school year.
Are you searching for a dual enrollment program that offers your rising 9th grade student the opportunity to experience early college at TCL's campus alongside their peers?
Need extra assistance with a class? Need seat time?
On Wednesday, December 13th, every student will attend one of our amazing Summit Sessions. Please select your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice from the session options listed below. Session overviews can be accessed using this link: https://tinyurl.com/3j8vb4wb
- wise
Are you an alumni or a fan of Warrior Nation and want to have a tailgating celebration in honor of the Warriors? Here is how to reserve your spot...
USCB is sponsoring a college fair!!!
Please join us for our 1st SIC meeting of the 2023-2024 school year!!
The ASVAB test will be administered on Thursday, September 28th at 9:00am in the ROTC room D156.
The Grad Bash Senior Trip is scheduled for April 19th-21st.
Beaufort County Teens For Teens Youth Conference
Come join the fun with breakout sessions, food, music and much more!!!
College Colors Day is next Friday, September 1st.
Check out our new online store!!!!
Our Warriors will walk across the stage to receive associate degrees and certificates for completing dual enrollment credits. We are so proud of our Warriors for this great accomplishment!!
Sports physicals are being offered at Whale Branch Early College High School on Wednesdays (except May 24).
We are super excited for our School Improvement Council for the 2023-2024 school year!!!!
Join us for an informative session about the partnership between WBECHS and TCL program!!!
The End of Course (EOC) Exams are fast approaching. Tutoring sessions are available to help students prepare. Save the Dates!!
Great News!!!!! WBECHS have extended our After School Program to include Homework Help, Study Skills, Tutoring, and EOC prep. We are also providing snacks and transportation, if needed.
MedTech 7 is conducting a survey as part of the evaluation of the Med-Tech 7 program, which is funded through a Magnet School Assistance Program (MSAP) grant from the U.S. Department of Education.
Beaufort-Jasper-Hampton Glasscho Hope Wellness School Based Health Center has been providing quality, affordable, accessible and comprehensive care for nearly 30 years.
School Choice begins March 1st. Choose the Whale Branch Cluster schools to encounter MedTech7 that offers hands-on technology experience.
- MedTech7
- Whale Branch Cluster
Congratulations to Anthony Gaskin and Donovan Peterson for participating in BCSD All-County Honor Band!!!
Did You Know? We hold weekly scholarship luncheons for seniors.
Need extra support with your academics? Check out these opportunities created with your success in mind ! #WarriorsOnThePathToExcellence
Great things are happening at Warrior Nation! Check out this amazing video of our Warrior Nation Food Bank.
Check out a few photos of our students at the Christmas Parade!!!
Layla Love has been chosen for the Presidential Scholarship at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Florida!
We are proud to announce that our Warrior Quaeshawn Fields of Seabrook, SC has joined the Navy!!!!!!
The National Blue Ribbon Schools Program recognizes public and private elementary, middle, and high schools based on their overall academic excellence or their progress in closing achievement gaps among student subgroups.
12/5-12/9 Spirit Week #UnitingTheVillage
Calling all fathers and male mentors for Donuts w/ Dads on Thursday, 12/8. Let's pack out our media center with support for our students! #UnitingTheVillage #WarriorsOnThePathToExcellence
Have a happy and safe holiday.
On Saturday, November 19, 2022, twenty-nine WBECHS Warrior Band musicians participated in the South Carolina State University Marching 101 HS Band Day, along with 1100 other high school and middle school musicians from across the southeast and east coast.
Students participated in a Science Fair to show their scientific knowledge.
JROTC Warriors honored veterans and the 247th Marine Corps birthday!
Warriors joined the celebration at the 38th Annual Heritage Parade on St. Helena Island!!!!
Congratulations to Mr. Willie White!!!!
Congrats on completing the first round of CyberPatriot!!!!!
Students experience the Full Sail University Tour Bus.
BCSD is sponsoring free workshops for North and South of the Broad about ways to help finance college education.
USCB Bluffton is sponsoring a College Fair with over 90 colleges and universities from across the state, the region, and select schools across the country.
Wear ORANGE to support National Bullying Prevention & Unity Day on Wednesday, Oct. 19th.
The WB Booster Club is selling spirit t-shirts and sweatshirts. Complete and submit the order form with payment by Oct. 31st to Coach Cave.
The Homecoming Court were chosen at Friday Night Football Game.
The Whale Branch SIC Meeting has been rescheduled for Monday, Oct. 10th.
It's Homecoming Spirit Week!!! Be sure to dress according to the flyer and show your school spirit! We will play against Estill Gators on Friday, Oct. 7th @ 7:30pm.
Don't forget about College Application Day!
Want to know the great things going on at Warrior Nation? Check out our newsletter!
Want to take a journey to adventure with Michelin to design a vehicle?
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) is a multiple-aptitude assessment that measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success in the military.
Wear your favorite college shirt on College Application Day!!!!!
Good News! Senior Night has been rescheduled. The following topics will be discussed: Senior Event Calendar, College Application Process, Financial Aid, Scholarships, Military Enlistment, ASVAB, SAT, ACT Testing, and College & Career Readiness.
Senior Night scheduled for Thursday, Sept. 8th has been canceled.
Students in grades 8th - 12th...Attend this workshop to learn test-taking strategies to be successful on the SAT.
- free workshop
Please join us to learn more about supporting your student during their senior year.
Juniors and Seniors sign up and pay your $20 before Sept. 16th to reserve your spot
- college tour
- college trip
Ladies First & HOSA will sponsor a free food distribution drive Friday, Sept. 16th from 10:00 am-12:00 pm.
- food distribution
All grades, please join us August 11, 2022 at 5-7pm!!!!
Before picking up devices, please pay the $20 technology fee for 2022-2023 school year on Online School Payment(OSP).
- laptop distribution
- laptop pickup
- laptop roll out
Find out the bus route for Freshmen Orientation on Aug. 1, 2022.
- freshmen orientation
In loving memory of Jamori Reeves, we are saddened to announce his passing.
Parents register your rising 9th grader for Freshmen Orientation. This is an opportunity to begin building relationships between students and faculty, which are essential in helping students have a successful freshman year.
No experience necessary.
Our 12th grade Health Science students offered a CNA job at Beaufort Memorial Hospital.
- nursing
Listen to what 4 Warriors' have to say on Praise 94.5 WVGB.
- radio station
Come out to the End of the Year Performing Arts Showcase by the WBECHS Band & Dance on Thursday, May 19th @ 6:30pm. Admission is free!
End of the year students' device collection dates begins Thursday, May 19th. Please adhere to the schedule listed here.
- price list
Whale Branch Cluster students got an opportunity to learn hands-on how radio production works and record interviews that will be aired on 94.5FM.
Take a ride with Ladies First to the ATL. The trip will be to Carowinds and the Mall.
- Ladies First
- trip
The City of Beaufort Youth@Work/SYEP will provide opportunities for motivated Career and Technical Education (CTE) High School rising seniors students across Beaufort County to participate in career development, soft skills training and paid summer employment opportunities.
The Spring 2022 EOC/EXAM Schedule for 9th-12th graders
Are you interested in being a WARRIOR CHEERLEADER who leads the crowd in shouting encouragement and supporting a team at sports events? If your answer is YES, participate in Cheerleading Tryouts!!!
Let's Honor and Celebrate Our Amazing Assistant Principals!!!
Come out to show your support to the Performing Arts Department. A show you don't want to miss!!
- performing arts
The Library is the HEART of the school. Visit Your Library and Keep Literacy Alive!!